canon powershot sx30 is

Canon U.S.A. : Consumer & Home Office : PowerShot Cameras       好可憐的7號XDCanon's high-end PowerShot digital cameras incorporate the creative performance of a professional digital SLR camera and the compact convenience of a point-and-shoot. PowerShot G1 X Compare $649.99 PowerShot G16 Compare $499.99 PowerShot G15 ......


Canon U.S.A. : Support & Drivers : PowerShot SX30 IS    愛德加·竇加,法國印象派畫家、雕塑家其實... 其實你是"陳漢典"對吧!! 一切都是幻覺~嚇不倒我的~~你再裝阿!!!!     The PowerShot SX30 IS has got you prepared for your next extreme photo opportunity. This point-and-shoot digital camera comes with a massive 35x Wide-Angle (24-840mm) Optical Zoom lens - a first for any PowerShot! It also comes with a 2.7-inch Vari-angle...


Canon PowerShot SX30 IS介紹 - ePrice 比價王   爆點還是再回覆阿!XD  PowerShot SX30 IS 作為PowerShot SX20 IS的升級機型,在PowerShot SX系列中屬於鏡頭覆蓋焦段廣、變焦倍率高,同時搭載眾多功能的高階機種。 PowerShot SX30 IS 是佳能首款具備35倍光學變焦的小型數位相機,可覆蓋相當於24-840mm的焦距範圍...
