Nikon vs. Canon - KenRockwell.com: Photography, Cameras and Taking Better Pictur 圖翻攝自爆料公社 今天一名網友在臉書社團「爆料公社」轉貼了兩張照片,從照片中竟然看到一名布袋戲人物「素還真」在台北搭乘捷運,引發網友瘋狂討論。 網友表示:「鬼門開不要嚇我」「要是我應該會嚇到吧!」「可是我比較喜歡莫召奴」「頭大的有點奇怪...」「時裝版素還真太強大了」「大冒險輸了?」Nikon and Canon are as good as each other overall. Each makes equally excellent lenses at the same price points, and each makes DSLRs with the same technical quality in each format. The differences lie in ergonomics and how well each camera handles, which...