Canon EOS Rebel T1i EF-S 18-55mm IS Lens Kit Refurbished | Canon Online Store (翻攝自雞排妹臉書,下同) 雞排妹被爆下海!媒體報導,有網友在LINE瘋傳雞排妹下海消息,還附上她的性感照片截圖宣傳。本人聞言後說:「那是假的,我出道三年一直都聽過這傳言,也有朋友轉達,我都回說,我願意幫買方出一半錢,把對方約出來看看到底是誰?」 稍早她也在臉書PO文秀圖,「欸你們誰有會員,去約約The Journey Continues. The EOS Rebel T1i is packed with features, both refined and new. In addition to its admirable performance with an all-new 15.1 Megapixel Canon CMOS sensor, DIGIC 4 Image Processor, a 3.0-inch Clear View LCD with anti-reflective and...