Canon vs Nikon: which DSLR should you buy? | News | TechRadar 路過也被閃..... 我也是蠻重的,男朋友又很愛把我抱離地,但他每次抱完說出口的話竟然不是:「其實你很輕」之類的話,而是怎麼又變胖了.....(拭淚 --------------------------------------------Dcard原文:有天閃把我抱起來但本人是肉肉女不是小隻女,所Page 1 of 3Canon vs Nikon: DSLRs Sub-£500 1.Canon vs Nikon: DSLRs Sub-£500 The two biggest players in the DSLR market have launched a feast of new cameras over the last few months, updating and adding to an already excellent range of models. But in the Ni...