Capital Cities ~ Safe and Sound Lyrics - YouTube最新消息,上周在伊拉克被綁架的三個日本人質今日被釋放,與此同時,另外兩名日本人被抓走。 當時這兩位日本人在坐在汽車里,伊拉克武裝分子突然出現,日本人在槍口前嚇得瑟瑟發抖,不停地申辯自己是中國人。 伊拉克人將信將疑,為首的老大問:“ PPMM 在中文里怎么念?&rdqu"Safe And Sound" I could lift you up I could show you what you wanna see And take you where you wanna be You could be my luck Even if the sky is falling down I know that we'll be safe and sound We're safe and sound I could fill your cup You know my river ...