What is the meaning of the P/S symbol on the car dashboard? - At times when am driving my toyota veh美國科技資訊網站CNET近期報道,不管你喜歡與否,性愛機器人時代都在向我們走來,掀起一場 「性愛革命」。 世界上第一款性愛機器人叫Roxxxy,Roxxxy除了具備充氣娃娃的所有功能外,還可以向主人發送電子郵件、上網升級自己的程序、自動擴充詞彙量等功能,甚至會陪人聊天。 The red flashing icon of a car with a key inside seems to be a normal security feature that will first be solid when you turn the car off and remain solid about 10 seconds before intermittently flashing every 6 seconds or so until you re-start this engine...