Car Phone Holders and Dashboard Phone Mounts - ProClip USA 話說, 相信每個人都不願意每天坐在辦公室里工作... 連續好幾個小時對着電腦,忙不完的活兒,還要面對各種糟心的老闆和同事... 歪果一群上班族卻表示: 工作這麼苦悶!還不能找點樂子了咋地!! 你們感受一下: 人們已經開始對每天加班到很晚的我議論紛紛… 真相Get the best dashboard mounts, charging docks and holders for iPhones, cell phones, smartphones, GPS, tablets and other mobile devices in your car. ... ProClip USA, Inc. is the exclusive North American distributor of ProClip vehicle specific mounts for ca...