Carbon Weezel Classic Mini parts原文出處:掙扎吧!徐蕊蕊 姐妹們都遇過這種破事吧!?(挑眉) 啊不是說我素顏多正、多清新、多自然、多麼多麼的讓你驚為天人!?每次看到都感覺重新戀愛LER 說什麼…外面的妹妝好濃、煙熏妝好像眼睛被揍過、嘴唇畫這麼紅自以為瑪莉蓮夢露、看起來就不自然很NG!? 啊那你還看屁喔!!!!!!蛤~All items are made using 100% carbon fibre & laminated using an ultra clear UV protected resin. All items are 'show the weave'. All items are finished in 2pack gloss and polished. We can modify any of these products to customer requirements or produce 'on...