日本最大養老院逆天!印鈔票 辦賭場 開黑,老人們卻都搶著去
Amazon.com : Carcam HD Car Video Camera Dual Lens LCD DVR Dash Recorder Black Box with free 8GB Micr 提起養老院, 不管是老人或子女, 都會本能地有所牴觸。 甚至不少人, 有這樣的觀念: 把父母送進養老院, 就是兒女不孝的表現。 但在日本愛知縣, 有這樣一家逆天養老院, 不用子女苦口婆心地勸說, 老人們都搶着去。 The battery life is just horrible. I have just recharged my DVR but it only last after 4 uses or 60 minutes. The battery still drains even when it is not on. Putting in the tiny 8GB in the DVR can be frustrating, the product did not come with any instruct...