快意旅行─Audi S4 Avant正式亮相,歐洲報價同步公布!
AIR CARGO TRACKING AND NEWS - Tracking by Airline PrefixisCar! Audi繼於2015法蘭克福車展發表新一代S4 Sedan後,日前正式發布了新S4 Avant的完整資訊,並同步公布了兩者的歐洲報價! 全新S4 Avant乃是以A4 Avant為基礎所衍生,車身高度降低了23mm,外觀上同樣有著專屬的套件,除了在水箱護罩內嵌有S4銘牌彰顯身分,水箱護aircargo tracking and news - track your airfreight shipment by airwaybill number ... Your easy way to track your air cargo, just click on the Airline name to visit the airline cargo tracking page! All you need is the AWB-number....