carl icahn 戴爾

Carl Icahn Unleashed: Wall Street's Richest Man Is On The Attack -- Just Ask Michael Dell一位迷人的女郎夏天開著車子到全國旅行,由於天氣實在太熱,她全身已經香汗淋漓。開到某個鄉下地方時,她看到一座水池,於是她決定停車游個水,涼涼身,她脫光跳進水中,享受幾分鐘的清涼後,突然發現兩位農夫躲在樹叢下偷看。由於她的衣服擺在水池的另一邊,不過靠近她身邊有個澡盆,於是她拿起澡盆遮住身子,往那兩位農夫Freed from investors and flush with cash, Carl Icahn is targeting companies by the dozen. The bigger, the better -- just ask Michael Dell. ... false...


Dell Inc. (DELL), Netflix, Inc. (NFLX): Michael Dell or Carl Icahn? - Insider Monkey一對年輕戀人決定結婚,當大日子將近的時,兩人都有一點害怕因為每一個人都有一件秘密沒有告訴對方,準新郎終於決定找他父親尋求建議。他對父親說:「我很擔心我的婚姻會有問題,會失敗。」他老爸問:「怎麼啦?你不愛這女孩嗎?」準新郎說:「愛,我非常愛…但是我的腳很臭,我怕結婚以後,她會厭惡我的腳臭Carl Icahn is currently the wealthiest man on Wall Street. Ranked 21st on the Forbes 400 list, this man is a lion of an investor. He has a history of successfully managing funds, hostile takeover attempts, and has taken on an activist role in companies th...


Court Refuses to Speed Up Carl Icahn's Dell Lawsuit - WSJ老師問小明:「水的化學式是什麼?」小明回答:「H I J K L M N O」。 老師說:「我是這樣教你的嗎?」小明答:「你不是說 H to O 嗎?」 本學期歷史期末考時,有一題填充題: 「黃帝建都『有熊』,堯建都『 』…」 結果,有一名學生竟然寫出以下的答案:「黃帝建都『A corporate law judge denied investor Carl Icahn's request to hasten a lawsuit against the proposed buyout of Dell, bringing the drawn-out deal closer to passage. ... "I think the special committee would dance in the streets if the Icahn group would make ...


Carl Icahn Invests $100 Million in Lyft - The New York Times說在前面先,這不是閃光文幾年前,還在信義計劃區上班時,有天中午客戶在國際會議中心開會,中午,就請客戶去凱悅(現在叫君悅)的二樓,Ziga Zaga 吃飯,服務生是個可愛的大眼妹,我們三個衣冠禽獸,不是,是三個穿的人五人六的,anyway,服務生服務的很周道,我們也很禮貌,每次來服務我們都哈啦個一二句“They reached out to us and I found the opportunity very compelling,” the investor Carl Icahn said of Lyft’s pitch to him. Credit Chad Batka for The New York Times Lyft and Uber have been raising money at a breakneck pace. To date, Uber has raised more th...


Carl Icahn's 10 Largest Stock Holdings (^GSPC, CHK, DELL.DL, HLF, NFLX)遊客參觀乳膠工廠,經過奶嘴部門時,他們聽到機器先發出『嘶…』,然後再『噗』的一聲,就有一個奶嘴掉出來。技術人員一旁解釋:「當機器發出『嘶…』的響聲時,表示機器正在把乳膠灌入模子裡,最後的那聲『噗』則是機器在位奶嘴戳洞。」接著來到製作保險套的部門繼續參觀,同樣的也聽到機器發Keep track of the stocks that matter to you. Help yourself with the Fool's FREE and easy new watchlist service today. Activist investor Carl Icahn doesn't shy away from risk or controversy. He invested in Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX ) when it was trading below ...


Carl Icahn Adds To Quiet Empire With $340 Million Auto Deal - Forbes英語進步了話說前幾天假日全家到鄉下去玩那天全家在田間的小路上看看農村果園的風景遠遠的~~看到一群老外在圍著一個當地的農夫比手畫腳看似老外迷路了吧!?出於好奇,全家跑去湊熱鬧看看想聽他們在說什麼那幾個老外一邊翻著一個類似英漢辭典的小冊子一邊用很不標準的中文發音:「如何.......我.........Carl Icahn has a knack for fighting with large companies like eBay eBay and Motorola to sell or spin off business lines, but the billionaire activist investor is quietly amassing an empire empire of his own. On Monday evening, Icahn’s publicly traded inve...
