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BedinCuba - Casa Particular Havana | Casa Particular Cuba | room for rent | cuba accommodation老師:"一隻盒子有幾條邊? "學生:"兩條邊~裡邊和外邊。 "老師:"你的題為《搶救親人》的作文怎麼連一個標點符號也沒有? "學生:"那麼急的事怎麼能停頓呢?"老師: "世界上什麼東西最大?"學生:" 眼皮。"老師:"為什麼? "學生:"只要把眼一閉,全世界都被遮住了。 "老師: "人的哪一顆牙齒出Casa Particular is the Cuban way to refer to bed & breakfast, private homestay, inn, holiday homes and B&B accomodation. It is the way to call a house or an apartment where is offered ......
