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Panasonic Lumix TZ18: Review - DigitalVersus - Reviews & News, TVs, LCD Monitors, Laptops... 來自加州的公司 CreativeDash 設計一些充滿創意的圖標設計。 四方形荷包蛋! 能想像方形高爾夫球嗎? 若捲筒衛生紙是方形狀的~ 方形壽司也太誘人了! 根本香味四溢了! 舒服沙發椅~ 怎麼沒出方型甜甜圈~ 鬆餅這樣其實也滿特別的,誰說一定要圓形嘛! 那你有什麼點子嗎? 【本文出處,更多精采The Panasonic Lumix TZ18 is a fairly decent superzoom compact (picture quality, responsiveness, etc.) that's seriously let down by a its poor-quality screen and video mode. In this price range, the Canon SX230 HS does a much better job....


Canon PowerShot A1200: Review - DigitalVersus - Reviews & News, TVs, LCD Monitors, Laptops... 當一群好朋友死黨聚會喝酒開趴,如果最先醉倒的通常下場都很慘!而且也很容易變成大家惡整的焦點呢!千萬切記不要在朋友聚會的時候醉倒不省人事阿~整爆醉倒的朋友也許才是這次轟趴最主要的活動之一,酒量不好千萬不要喝到掛!切記~ 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上;JUKSY官方粉絲團。如The Canon PowerShot A1200 is an entry-level camera that's pleasant to use and which takes decent photos in good light. The A1200 misses out on a third star, however, as it has no optical stabilisation. Plus, the limit of its technical ability soon becomes...
