Casio Exilim EX-S10 Review - Digital Camera Reviews - Best Digital Camera Ratings從前,有一個秀才,他有一個傻兒子。有一天,朋友要來拜訪他。為了顯示自己的才能,他決定讓兒子招待客人,還特意教給他幾句話:“如果客人問你咱們家的桃樹怎麼沒了,你就說‘讓我砍了賣了’; 如果他問你咱們家的籬笆為什麼這麼亂,你就說‘兵荒馬亂糟蹋的了&rsquI was pretty excited when I found out I would be reviewing the Casio Exilim S10, the world's smallest and thinnest 10.1 megapixel camera. Encased in stainless steel and decked out in four color choices, it looks and feels like a great accessory. Of course...