casio g-shock gpw-1000

CASIO watches-卡西歐鐘錶 | G-SHOCK產品列表          好害羞...XDCASIO:::G-SHOCK:::G-SHOCK產品列表 ... 型號: GPW-1000-2A 特色: 世界首款同步搭載GPS與世界六局電波接收的腕錶 G-SHOCK GPW-1000推出海軍藍點綴亮眼橘新色設計,搭載低電力耗費與高性能的G ..more...


GPW-1000 - Standard - G-SHOCK - CASIO有人說,香蕉買回來要掛起來放這樣會容易保存,因為香蕉以為自己還沒被從樹上摘下來! 世界首款同步搭載GPS與世界六局電波接收的腕錶 G-SHOCK GPW-1000推出強化橡膠(FIN RESIN)的複合式錶帶設計,讓錶帶更貼合手腕,佩帶上舒適性提升,錶帶重量減輕但更為耐用,GPW-1000搭載低電力耗費與高性能的GPS LSI,由Sony Corporation共同客製 ......

全文閱讀 Casio G-Shock Gravity Master Hybrid GPS Black/Blue GPW-1000-1A: WatchesThis Casio G-Shock Gravity Master Hybrid GPS watch features some of the most cutting edge technology you will ever see on a timepiece. Boasting a solar powered cell along with GPS accurate time, this is the perfect piece to add to your collection....


REVIEW: Casio G-SHOCK GPW-1000 GPS Atomic Solar Hybrid | AkihabaraNewsCasio Computer Co., Ltd. is releasing two new models of Baby-G shock-resistant watches for women, “BGA-1300/1310”, on November 29. Women need sporty, sturdy, international watches too. But something with a bit more of a soft design. Casio' new Baby-Gs ......
