浴室鏡子裡驚見倒掛「掌印」 女孩嚇得圍浴巾衝出浴室
EX-TR350 - Digital Cameras - Manuals - CASIO 雖然鬼月已經過去很久了,但是,偶爾還是會發現一些靈異事件!鄉民akalovekame在ptt上飄版po文講述她在浴室裡發現的一件怪事,看完後,我真的覺得好!恐!怖!後背一片冷汗!!! 就在剛剛才發生的事情…嚇得我只圍著浴巾就衝出來了!我從淋浴間洗好澡出來準備刷牙就寢時,Important ! We recommend that you download the large PDF files that are available from this site and view them off-line. [ To view the contents of a file ] 1. Align your mouse pointer with the link to the PDF file that you want. 2. If you are running Wind...