惡搞照搞出問題 14 歲少年褻瀆耶穌雕塑被判兩年
Cast Away - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 網路上相當多網友的 KUSO 照片,透過網路的無遠弗屆,傳送到全世界,有些是相當幽默沒錯,但玩過頭真的會惹禍上身阿,美國一名 14 歲少年,拍下與耶穌雕像的合照,但卻是以非常不雅的惡搞姿勢入鏡,照片上傳 facebook 後,被警方以"褻瀆崇敬的對象"罪名起訴,如果這項罪名成立的話,將會被關兩年阿Cast Away is a 2000 American adventure drama film directed and produced by Robert Zemeckis and starring Tom Hanks as a FedEx employee stranded on an uninhabited island after his plane crashes in the South Pacific. The film depicts his attempts to survive ...