casual games

Casual game - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia老人臨終前給兒子分遺產。 對大兒子說:「你媳婦快生小孩了,把存折留給你。」 對二兒子說:「你馬上就要結婚,我把房子留給你」 最後,對小兒子說:「最不放心你了,現在還沒個女朋友,就把最寶貴的遺產留給你吧。」 小兒子心中竊喜, 老人說:「我要把QQ號給你,好友欄裡有一百多個年輕姑娘。」A casual game is a video game targeted at or used by a mass audience of casual gamers. Casual games can have any type of gameplay, and fit in any genre. They are typically distinguished by their simple rules and lack of commitment required in contrast to ...


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Casual Gaming - Quick Online Casual Free Games 20 of 3996776歲的爺爺突然決定去唸書,並從小學上起。 小孫子說:「您想上學不錯,可有件事情不太好辦。」 爺爺:「什麼事?」 孫子:「萬一老師叫請家長,您讓誰去呢?」 Mortimer Beckett and the Secrets of Spooky Manor (downloaded 139 times) Downloadable Free/Shareware Game; Genre: Puzzle/Strategy Added: 28 Apr 2015...


Gaming :Delight - Add delight to your day 一位黑道兄弟去牙科診所拔牙, 拔完後拿藥單去藥局領藥… 回家後,忘了藥師交代的服用方式… 情急之下,打電話回牙科診所詢問 兄弟:「藥那麼多顆,怎麼吃?」 護士:「你有腫就吃,沒腫就不要吃囉。」 兄弟…………&helChronotron You're a robot of the time-traveling variety. Travel back in time and use your previous actions to help you collect circuit boards. added February 24, 2009...


Casual Games Association - Welcome小明坐在家門口吃雪糕,不遠處站著一個衣衫襤褸的小男孩正眼巴巴的瞅著他,垂涎欲滴的樣子。 小明覺得他很可憐,就招手讓小男孩過來。 然後遞給他一個板凳說:「來,坐著看!」More than 200 million people worldwide play casual......


Casual Games at JayisGames - Jay is games - We do online and Mobile Game Reviews有一天,一坨黑色的大便看到了一坨白色的大便,黑大便問:你為啥長的那麼白,那麼漂亮?  白大便聽了非常生氣,說:我又不是大便!我是冰淇淋! Since 2003, we review and do walkthroughs of the best online, mobile, indie and casual games. ... Your life seems like it's about as perfect as it can get. You're engaged to a handsome jazz pianist in New Orleans, just putting the final touches on your we...
