catch - definition of catch by The Free Dictionary4月23號當地時間中午,加拿大多倫多, Alek Minassian駕駛着他租來的貨車,開到最繁忙的街頭, 然後拿出手機,在臉書上留下了這樣一句話, 「Incel們反抗的鐘聲已經敲響!我們將打倒所有的Chads和Stacys們! 偉大的Elliot Rodger萬歲! 」 說完,他便猛踩油門,以30catch (kăch, kĕch) v. caught (kôt), catch·ing, catch·es v.tr. 1. a. To get and hold (something that has been in motion) in a hand, the hands, a container, or an implement: caught the ball in the web of the lacrosse stick. b. To take hold of, especially fo...