Catch online videos with Catchvideo.net and convert them to MP3 from Youtube, Dailymotion, Vimeo vid文/卡妞范兒(ID: weikagirl ) 最近很火的《中餐廳》在讓觀眾領略了趙薇黃曉明的「相愛相殺」後,還請來了很多嘉賓啊,但讓人印象最深刻的就是幾位泰國偶像來助陣的那一期,給在異國他家開餐廳的他們撐場面。 泰國人氣偶像Mike·Angelo一出場,瞬間Download a video Enter the video link from a video provider like Youtube or Dailymotion then click 'Catch!' button then the application will display all the links for this video (webm, mp4, flv, 3gp, m4a). Be patient, download can take some minutes to com...