Cathay Bank - Home你有過被嚇的經驗嗎?或是 out of control ,簡直不知道自己在幹什麼?通常這時候~你就會被朋友拍下那個誇張到不行的瞬間,事後連自己看都笑到翻過去XD!!現在,就讓我們一起「把快樂建築在對方的失控上」吧!看看最真實、最自然、最直接傳達出當下感受的表情、反應到底長怎樣,又有多好笑!以下這 1Thanks for visiting the Cathay Bank Web Site! You are about to leave the web site of Cathay Bank and enter into a site that is not controlled by us. Cathay Bank does not endorse, sponsor or guarantee the information, content, presentation, accuracy or ......