CBC Mode - Crypto++ Wiki - Crypto++ Library 5.6.3 - a Free C++ Class Library of Cryptographic Scheme去醫院產檢,排在我前面一對夫妻,男的急切的問醫生: 「大夫她現在七個多月還可以同房嗎?」 當時一聽醫生抬頭看看男的說不行。並且語氣很嚴肅,當時我也覺得這男人怎麼這樣,媳婦都懷孕七個多月還想這樣! 但是男的立馬對妻子說:「你聽見了嗎,醫生也說不行!!你聽見了嗎?!!!」 CBC Mode is cipher block chaining. CBC mode was originally specified by NIST in FIPS 81. The standard, issued in 1981, only offers confidentiality. Other modes, such as CCM and GCM, offer authenticated encryption which places an integrity assurance over t...