cc email abbreviation

What Does CC & BCC Mean in the Email Address? | eHow原來魯夫除了哥哥以外,也是有妹妹的...   What Is CC? The "CC:" field is an abbreviation "Carbon Copy." Email addresses in this field are not the original intended and addressed recipient of the email. You use the "CC:" field for people that need to see the information, though it is not directly ...


cc Meaning, definition in Cambridge English Dictionary週年慶到了~大家都到百貨公司瘋狂搶購摟~     cc meaning, definition, what is cc: abbreviation for cubic centimetre: . Learn more. ... What do the words crash, whisper and purr have in common? They’re all onomatopoeias. An onomatopoeia is a word that copies or in some way suggests the sound of the ac...
