帶她回家 你事先要做好的10項準備工作
Computer Audiophile - Computer Audiophile CD Ripping Strategy and Methodology 別誤會,這裡說的“回家”不是夜店貪歡之後的“你家還是如家”?而是在你費了無數口舌心思之後,她終於同意在假期和你回家面見你父母了,甚至還會在你家小住幾天。別以為緊張兮兮忐忑不安只有她的份兒,如果沒有做好以下十項準備,接下來的日子,你可能會比她難熬。1、Hi Ruud - Did I read your post correctly that you are ripping from the MacBook Pro over a network to your other computer with the 8TB of space? If yes, the likely cause of slowness if the network ripping. Are you ripping over wireless, 100Mb, or 1Gb ......