Have you been watching ... Celebrity Big Brother? | Television & radio | theguardian.com 【靜宜大學社會工作與兒童少年福利學系 袁正翰】 我在育幼院與孩子相處的這兩個月 其實一開始對孩子們每個人都不太認識,就連名字都連不起來,都是每天一天一天的累積,一直到現在看到每個人的臉很快就很容易叫出他們的名字。老實說一開始跟男孩子不太熟悉也不知道怎麼親近,都是陳老師告訴我要多跟男孩子講講話,我才This is an incredibly difficult thing to admit. It defies all form of reason or logic. It's genuinely making me question the sort of person I am. And yet, despite all this, I'm going to miss Celebrity Big Brother when it ends this week. Celebrity Big Brot...