Alexandria, VA Hotels - Hilton Alexandria Mark Center Hotel原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:喵妹 每次看到御宅族女神中川祥子都會感到相當熱血 喜歡動漫的女藝人大概就非她莫屬(*´∀`)~♥ 而中川祥子也會演唱許多動漫歌曲 所以一想到動漫歌曲就一定要提一下中川祥子拉XD 雖然台灣的KTV裡面沒有足夠的日文動漫歌曲可以唱 很羨慕日Upscale Alexandria, VA Hotel in 5 miles from Washington DC businesses and attractions. Reserve a modern room or suite in the West End of Alexandria VA. ... Lakeside setting, within view of the Nation's Capitol, the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center is just te...