
USDOJ: CRM: Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section 小心跑錯地方喔XD(搞錯重點)Welcome to the website of the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section (CEOS). Since its creation in 1987, CEOS´s mission has been to protect the welfare of America´s children and communities by enforcing federal criminal statutes relating to the exploita...


Dancing CEOs 2015 - Dancing CEO's: Fundraiser for Women's Legal Service   就是要旺拉!!!Dancing CEO's is a premiere event in Brisbane's fundraising calendar. Six CEO's swap the boardroom for the ballroom to raise funds for Women's Legal Service. ... Dancing CEOs is an annual gala event that supports Women’s Legal Service. See Brisbane’s lead...


Women CEOs of the S&P 500 | Catalyst   為什麼一樣是尾牙獎品,一樣是「蘋果筆記本」 .....為什麼我會有想哭的感覺咧.....  How so? There is nothing disgusting about it. You are seeing change for the better, that women are being considered for the top jobs. They aren't just going to give 250 of the male CEOs the boot and replace them with females. That's not equality. Equality...
