家庭百分百Toyota Sienna
CertainDri® - Make certain you're dry... with Certain Dri 文章來源:一手車訊 Toyota總代理和泰正式於七月引進美規七人座MPV車型──Sienna,壯大本身Minivan及商用車陣線,並主打六大保證同時將保固延長至四年12萬公里,來勢洶洶看來信心十足,雖說Sienna已經不是全新車型,但是好車交到《一手車訊》手上,我們還是樂意再試一次。 文 徐永先 Dermatologists prefer the Certain Dri® formula for treating hyperhidrosis or excessive perspiration, over the formulas in all the other antiperspirants combined. Buy direct from the manufacturer and save. ... Are you tired of wearing black or changing shi...