unctad.org | GSP certificate of origin: Form A 一提到校花,就很難忽略陳雨凡這個名字。就讀輔大的雨凡,是各大媒體喜愛採訪的對象,更有著「台版新垣結衣」的稱號。但可貴的是,她並沒有因各種機會迷失自我,依然保有單純的初心跟對生活的熱情。一起來認識這位人美心也美的雨凡吧! P.S.陳雨凡的偶像是張惠妹,想賄賂她的人記起來唷!演唱會票尤佳(疑?) (以In April 2004 to take into account the European Union´s enlargement, leading to a revision of the note on the back of the form (Notes 2004) (TD/B/GSP/FORM/1) In July 2005 to take into account the new GSP scheme of Turkey, leading to a revision of the note...