Best Tablet Accessories of CES 2015GNC綜合新聞|基地記者:orcsbase(灰色騎士) 《火影忍者》一直以來都是充滿著熱血、刺激和搞笑的成分在裡面,不管是西方還是東方都有不少的死忠火影迷存在,不管是漫畫還是動畫的表現都相當精彩,但若做成真人電影的畫表現會如何呢?(感謝 WTF 團隊所製作和翻譯的中文字幕) 沙很大~~是While only a handful of new tablets were announced at CES 2015, there were dozens of accessories unveiled at this giant tradeshow. We winnowed through all these to find the best. Those who have a small tablet and want a good portable keyboard for it have ...