Cg (programming language) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 話說在每個城市早晚高峰時段的公共交通工具上,你是不是和大多數人一樣要麼低頭盯着手機看不停,要麼戴着耳機閉眼聽歌打個盹?可最近幾天在奧克蘭的早班火車上,卻有人一直在「騷擾」上班族。 Samantha King 是一位在奧克蘭上班的姑娘,她每天早Cg (short for C for Graphics) is a high-level shading language developed by Nvidia in close collaboration with Microsoft for programming vertex and pixel shaders. Cg is based on the C programming language and although they share the same syntax, some feat...