反串趴踢!〈 GLEE 〉的 Shangela 和 Milk Queen 其他反串名人照片大彙整~前
Cha-cha-cha (music) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia講到男扮女的 DRAG 風潮,其實就有一批名人就十分愛好反串,且在網路上、 娛樂界都擁有高知名度!例如夯劇〈 GLEE 〉 中的 Shangela 就是其中一個例子,另外還有帥到不行的 Milk Queen ,帥氣的小生外型,扮起女人來可說是魅力十足!如果沒有前後照比對,真的還不知道這些Cha-cha-chá is a genre of Cuban music. It has been a popular dance music which developed from the danzón in the early 1950s, and became widely popular throughout Cuba, Mexico and New York City....