How to convert a char to a string in Java? - Stack Overflow 一個歌手救了一條凍僵的蛇,蛇卻咬了歌手一口。 歌手的老婆大怒,抓起蛇要殺掉,歌手卻嘆了口氣說: 「放它走。」老婆不解:「為什麼要放過這個壞蛋?」 歌手說:「誰叫我的骨子裡是個歌手。」 你猜他是個什麼類型的歌手呢? A、搖滾歌手 B、高音歌手 C、鄉村歌手 D、饒舌歌手 &I have a char and I need a String. How do I convert from one to the other? ... @DJClayworth Most SO questions could be answered with RTFM, but that's not very helpful. Why not let people who find the question upvote it and let things take their course? – ...