London Value Investor Conference, 20th May: Featuring Charles Brandes, Dato’ Cheah Cheng Hye and Nei 最近西方一連串反除腋毛的發聲鼓吹運動,很可惜,這一篇並不是跟國際接軌的除腋毛熱門話題,而是除陰毛。除陰毛的行為在20世紀中後期才開始流行,20世紀以前相當少見,泳衣和廣告時尚起了莫大的推廣作用。吉列公司當年為了賣他們家生產的剃刀,用廣告瘋狂洗腦大眾,成功傳達女性陰毛很「[Sponsored Post] The London Value Investor conference is the largest gathering of Value Investors in Europe and is Moderated by Richard Oldfield and David Shapiro. It will take place on Wednesday 20th May at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in ......