超高難度動作 男子跪在3個飲料瓶上乞討兼練功
Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars Lyrics - Lyrics.com - your music community with the largest searchable最近,有一朋友路過大陸南京的馬路的時候,看見一位超另類的乞討者,他所做的動作感覺超有難度的,這名男子跪在3個品字形的飲料瓶上。然後,就有路人上前問他為什麼這樣做,男子如此回答,這樣可以一邊乞討,一邊練功。這樣頗有難度的奇特乞討方式吸引了路過市民的目光,也為自己賺了不少鈔票。Snow Patrol Chasing Cars lyrics: We'll do it all Everything On our own We don't need Anything Or anyone If I lay here If I just lay here Would you lie with me and just forget the world? I don't quite know How to say How I feel Th...