偷看弟弟的LINE對話 發現他竟然......
Chatroulette - Official Site偷看弟弟的LINE對話 發現他竟然...... 我弟 剛剛下班回家洗澡前 聽我弟在抱怨說電腦沒他愛打的遊戲很無聊 只能用LINE跟別人聊天 我聽一聽沒說甚麼就去洗澡了 洗到一半他就叫我快點 他要廁所(大的) 我一出來Chatroulette is a place where you can interact with new people over text-chat, webcam and mic. ... is a place where you can interact with new people over text-chat, webcam and mic. In order to use it, you need to have latest Flash Player installed....