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Slicethepie - Official Site 文章取自微信公眾號:卡娃微卡(kawa01)       任何一段感情都有它的保鮮期,過了保鮮期,你們就要注意別讓它腐壞、變質了,所以,在這期間,你們得多多用心觀察自己的感情,如果發現它亮起了紅燈,就要引起重視。不過,感情亮紅燈也是有徵兆的,比如兩人開始沒什麼話說,經Home About FAQ Privacy Policy Ts & Cs Contact ©Slicethepie Limited 2015...


CommentLuv Premium for WordPress blogs▲到底在廣告什麼要這個造型?(source:youtube下同) 日前一間德國廚具公司Cerafit在日本行銷最新平底煎鍋產品,而日本的廣告行銷能力一直都是有目共睹的,這次他們又要出什麼新招呢?最終他們找了一位溜冰的「織田選手」來擔任廣告主角! ▲看我大展身手! 屢屢溜不好的織田選手被場邊的教練叫去Download the famous CommentLuv Premium plugin and open your blog for a flood of visitors and comments. Unlock the advanced features on tens of thousands of blogs just by ......


CJOB - Official Site一名鄉民在PTT表特版上發了一張「長髮大眼睛」正妹的數張照片,人氣立刻衝上熱門,看網友回應原來是照片越看讓人越受不了! 這貼文網友一po出沒多做介紹,只放了這位正妹的數張照片,氣質長法、大眼、端莊的鄰家女孩的風格,幾張他小露性感的照片,都引起熱烈的討論,還有很多人要求希望能神出本尊,直呼「有像深田恭Talk radio from CJOB 680 AM in Winnipeg. Listen live via internet....


REDWAY3DBentley推出最新的GT豪華跑車Continental SuperSports,將採用6.0升雙渦輪W12引擎,馬力則高達710匹,最大扭力則有1017牛頓米,變速箱則是採8速手自排檔。這台車的0-100公里加速只需要3.5秒,極速則能來到時速336公里,目前這台車的動力等級堪比超跑水準。透過四REDWAY3D is a leading provider of graphics technology for 2D and 3D rendering. REDWAY3D developed and patented an integrated 2D and 3D engine covering the complete spectrum of rendering needs from real time to high quality photo-realistic rendering....


Chariot - Official Site無論戲裡戲外,一向給人內斂、寡言的張孝全,首次挑戰由陳玉勳導演的古裝喜劇電影《健忘村》即將在農曆春節上映,顛覆過去深情王子的形象,飾演健忘村民的一員,即使全身刻意搞得髒兮兮,展現難得一見的幽默喜感,化身喜劇之王,依然帥氣迷人!新年之初,讓張孝全與你相伴! 第一次採訪張孝全是2006年,當時第一次看了Hoax Emails (10/11/2014) Beware of hoax emails designed to look like they've come from Chariot or TPG. We will NEVER send emails that request you to enter your personal information or redirect you to logon to where you are required to enter this informati...


An important BumpTop announcement▲我覺得安排得很浪漫啊!(source:Dcard、tuu) 日前Dcard上po出一篇文章, 一名匿名者表示自己絕對要在2017/01/07(一起一起)的當天晚上,和自己心儀已久的對象告白,於是當天他帶著女孩到了離飛機場看飛機最近的地方看著飛機的起降。 女: 這邊離飛機好近喔 男:對啊! 你以後也Dear BumpTop fans, More than three years ago, we set out to completely change the way people use their desktops. We're very grateful for all your support over that time — not just financially but also through all the encouraging messages from people who f...
