Kitchen Chick 大家應該對這位泰國騷年還有印象吧,2015~2016話題人物。圖上的廉價DIY 服裝作品,就是他15歲的時候在泰北農村玩出來的出道作品,引起泰媒至世界媒體的廣泛報導,並因此獲得泰國時尚界賞識步入該行業,徹底改變了命運。(來源:暹羅飛鳥) Madiew如今不僅在泰國時尚界混出了名堂,更She was born with the gift of cooking, and the sense that the world was tasty. ... The Bacon Dinner sold out within days, but the other events are still open. If you're not sure whether you want to spend a lot of money on this, you can check it out FOR FR...