china air line code

Liste der IATA-Airline-Codes – Wikipedia 看起來...真的滿強的...Wikipedia:WikiProjekt Ereignisse/Vergangenheit/fehlend Die IATA-Codes für Fluggesellschaften – auch bekannt als Zwei-Buchstaben-Codes (englisch two letter codes) – werden von der International Air Transport Association (IATA) aufgrund der Resolution 762 v...


Airline codes-C - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia    第一張是原圖... 之後 就看看網友惡搞大全吧XD       所以說,人人都有被惡搞的機會!! 沒有性別、年齡、身分之別 惡搞之前,人人平等啊!!XDA list of all Airline codes. The table lists the IATA airline designators, the ICAO airline designators and the airline call signs (telephony designator). Historical assignments are also included for completeness. Airline codes for airlines beginning with...


China Airlines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   他們怎麼可以忍住笑阿XDDDDChina Airlines (CAL) (Chinese: 中華航空; pinyin: Zhōnghuá Hángkōng) (TWSE: 2610) is the largest airline in Taiwan and the flag carrier of the Republic of China (Taiwan). It is headquartered in Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport and has approximately 11,000 ...


Airline codes and callsigns |   這兩張圖是隨便GOOGLE的吧!? (忘了大陸沒有GOOGLE...)This list is sorted alphabetically by IATA code (2 characters), and also features the ICAO code (3 characters) and the radio callsign, when available (in italics). ... offers a lot more than just airline and airport codes. There are also in...


中達國際車業   羅絲看到不知道會怎樣XD中達國際車業,專營歐規、美規與日規平行輸入進口車新古車 ...中達國際車業自辦進口,爲您量身服務,代辦新車與二手豪華車至台灣,直接由我們在第一線交到您手中,免去您不必要的開銷,我們的價格絕對不會讓您失望。免去總代理一手價差,以最 ......
