chinese hacker

如何成為駭客 - Angelfire: Welcome to Angelfire 保證你找到好工作啊!!!!!這文章是Eric Raymond先生的著作, 由Ken LEE翻譯成中文 如何成為駭客 為何有這文章? 身為Jargon File的作者, 我常收到熱心的網絡新秀的電子郵件, 問及"如何可以成為駭客?" 奇怪地, 在互聯網上像沒有文件或FAQ介紹這個重要問題, 所以, 我寫了這篇文章....


臺灣大學計算機及資訊網路中心C&INC, NTU媽......我好痛啊~~~~~~ 103年度網路技術推廣研討會 2014-06-25 臺灣學術網路(TANet)臺北區域網路中心臺灣大學計資中心,為推廣網路技術,103年度將再度舉辦「網路技術推廣研討會」活動。........


網站管理者不可不知:AppServ套件成為駭客入侵後門            天阿~ 也太扯了吧,真是厲害!!使用AppServ可以在Windows作業系統中輕鬆安裝與架設網站伺服器,AppServ包含Apache、PHP、Mysql與phpMyAdmin等網站環境元件,深受一般人的歡迎。因為AppServ已經5年未更新,駭客利用其phpMyAdmin的漏洞植入木馬後門程式,因而觸發多起資安事件。...


A Chinese Hacker's Identity Unmasked - Businessweek      哈哈哈,這位小姐你可不可以秀氣點~~~Joe Stewart’s day starts at 6:30 a.m. in Myrtle Beach, S.C., with a peanut butter sandwich, a sugar-free Red Bull, and 50,000 or so pieces of malware waiting in his e-mail in-box. Stewart, 42, is the director of malware research at Dell SecureWorks, a uni...


Chinese language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   這樣也太方便了吧~~~~Chinese (汉语 / 漢語; Hànyǔ or 中文; Zhōngwén) is a group of related but in many cases mutually unintelligible language varieties, which forms one of the branches of the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is spoken by the Han majority and many other ethnic g...


U.S. may act to keep Chinese hackers out of Def Con hacker event - Yahoo News        也太厲害了吧!!!! 大開眼界!!DENVER/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Washington is considering using visa restrictions to prevent Chinese nationals from attending popular summer hacking conferences in Las Vegas as part of a broader effort to curb Chinese cyber espionage, a senior administration ...
