呈現多種設計主題,MCM 2014 春夏包袋系列上市
Chinese language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia此前實驗室曾報導過MCM 2014春夏Blume Flower系列包袋,而近日MCM也再次為今年春夏帶來了不同設計主題的多個包袋系列,其中包括以斑馬紋為主要設計元素的Funky Zebra系列、色彩鮮亮活潑的STARK COLORBLOCK系列、以高光金銀亮色打造的Gold Pegasus系列、品牌Chinese (汉语 / 漢語; Hànyǔ or 中文; Zhōngwén) is a group of related but in many cases mutually unintelligible language varieties, which forms one of the branches of the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is spoken by the Han majority and many other ethnic g...