choked up

Choke up - Idioms by The Free Dictionary - Idioms and phrases曾有一個馬戲團,經常巡迴各地演出;其中有一團員是個”大力士”,他的拿手好戲是”憑單手之力”就能榨乾柳丁!大力士把柳丁擠乾了之後,再對觀眾宣佈--誰能用一手之力,再擠出一滴柳丁汁來,誰就可以獲得五萬元獎金!後來,一位中年的婦人,自告奮勇的要試一試!她從大choke someone up Fig. to cause someone to feel like starting to cry. Sad stories like that always choke me up. The movie was sad and it choked up most of the audience. See also: choke, up choke something up 1. to clog something up; to fill up and block .....


Choked - definition of choked by The Free Dictionary等咱有了錢,天天去做美體。媽的想瘦哪里瘦哪里,想大哪里就大哪里。貴賓卡一次買兩張,上半身用一張,下半身用一張。等咱有了錢,天天上美容院。媽的想雙眼皮就雙眼皮,想單眼皮就單眼皮。一個手術包倆手術室,開左眼用一個,開右眼用一個。等咱有了錢,天天做spa。媽的想香熏耳燭就香熏耳燭,想保養卵巢就保養卵巢。水choke (chōk) v. choked, chok·ing, chokes 1. To interfere with the respiration of by compression or obstruction of the larynx or trachea. 2. a. To check or slow down the movement, growth, or action of: a garden that was choked by weeds. b. To block u...

全文閱讀 - Choked Out, Nearly Beaten To Death & Choked Out Again昨日,去逛電腦城,突然覺得一陣腹痛,不好,要如廁。急匆匆來到wc前,抬頭只見門口上方掛一電子牌:上寫“windowsxphomewc”不禁贊嘆:不愧是珠江路,果然是it,高科技!好急,快進去,怎么門推不開?抬頭一看,電子板上顯示:“用戶名不存在或密碼錯誤,請找管理In Ypsilanti, Michigan, a tenebrous town noted for its disproportionately high crime rate, two youths brawl over a "talkin'shit" incident. The fight takes a dark turn when one man gets the upper hand and chokes the other out before repeatedly punching him...


Say Anything - All Choked Up -Lyrics- - YouTube4歲的小兒子挺神氣地讓我看他手上爬著一條蠕動的毛蟲。我一見毛蟲就全身一顫,隨口說了句逗孩子玩的話:快把它弄到外面去吧,它媽媽一定在找它哩。兒子轉身走了出去。我以為達到了目的,誰知一會兒他又進來了,手上爬著兩條毛蟲,他說:我把蟲媽媽接來了。老師說道:現在,孩子們,我要你們保持絕對安靜,靜得你們連一根針The one and only Say Anything - All Choked Up lyrics! All correct as well! Tell me if I should make more and suggest a song that I should make a lyric video on. It can be any song that you can or cant find the lyrics for on youtube! This song was requeste...


Laid-Off Coal Worker Wants Explanation From Hillary Clinton - Washington Wire - WSJ如果---她說:“你好。”那么---她是個呼臺小姐。如果---她說:“還看點什么?”那么---她是個售貨員。如果---她說:“您去哪?”那么---她是個售票員。如果---她說:“你真想進來嗎?”那么---When Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton said in March that she would put a lot of coal miners out of business, Bo Copley took it personally. ... Mr. Copley, who is 39, choked up as he showed Mrs. Clinton a picture of his family and spoke about other ...


All Choked Up - The New York Times其實我的錢包被人搶過七七四十九次了,被偷也有九九八十一次可每一次都一樣,頂多三天,都原原本本一樣不少的給送回來關鍵是我錢包里都放了好些“寶貝”嘿~~諸位要不要見識下啥寶貝這么神奇?1、癌癥晚期病危通知書一張(注明剩余30~90天生命)2、寫給女友的分手信一封(郵票已貼)3、未Dad is breaking down. The tears are breaching. I leave the room to give him some privacy. After 10 minutes, I am back again. My grandma is much more active than she’s been since I arrived. She still isn’t opening her eyes, but she is lifting her hands up ...
