My triglyceride level is high at 221 and my chol/hdl ratio ... 這位名叫Joeli Brearley的女士來自英國曼徹斯特, 今年38歲,是個在家上班的自由職業者。 兩年前,Brearley跟一個大客戶合作開展一個長期的項目,工作進展一直都很順利… 合作持續了一年, 直到有一天,Brearley的身體有了強烈的反應 —&Thanks for the additional information. Triglycerides are the form in which fats exist in the body. The goal is less than 150 mg/dL. While it is over the target, your 221 mg/dL is not in the danger zone. The target for total cholesterol is under 200 and HD...