太崩潰!一中國男子與「新娘」同床十多天, 居然發現比「戴綠帽」還要心碎的事實....
Common Mistakes in English: CHOOSE, CHOSE, CHOICE · engVid (上圖僅為示意圖) 在茫茫人海中能找到心儀的伴侶是人生喜事,可對於家住漯河市召陵區老窩鎮的小亮(化名)來說,他的新婚遇到了悲劇的事:他與「新娘」同床共枕十幾天後,發現對方竟是男兒身。這個冒牌媳婦男扮女裝,費盡心機的背後原來是一場精心設計的婚姻騙局。 小亮是一名大齡青年,年近30歲還沒有女朋友,家人Test your understanding of this English lesson Test your understanding of the English lesson by answering these questions. You will get the answers and your score at the ... Hi .. I am shoba.I have understood the difference between choose and choice.But i...