PHP: chr - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor作者:狄仁六個人公眾號:direnliu 1. 朋友聚會結束後,我跟著小力的順風車回家。在車上,他泛起他的招牌式笑容跟我說,「我下定決心要追求茉莉了。」 我警告小力說:「茉莉是個好女孩,追她可以,但你一定別帶著玩咖的心態,要好好對她。」 他回應Note that chr(10) is a 'line feed' and chr(13) is a 'carriage return' and they are not the same thing! I found this out while attempting to parse text from forms and text files for inclusion as HTML by replacing all the carriage returns with 's only to fi...