TESLA MODEL X 3月將在台灣發表!
Uwe Boll - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaTesla去年才在台灣設置了經銷據點後,就導入Model S 進行販售,繼首批S車系在今年1月份正式交車後,品牌電動車款ModelX也於近期確認將在3月7日於國內發表。Model X 車系目前提供六人座、七人坐的車系,也是Tesla近期第一款純電SUV作品,而Model X車系設計,是唯一量產休旅車Uwe Boll (German pronunciation: [ˈuːvə ˈbɔl]; born June 22, 1965)[1] is a German director, producer and screenwriter, whose work includes several films adapted from video games. He finances his own films through his Boll KG and Event Film Productions prod...