這位變態叔叔,發明了量大 液濃 噴射帶來快感情趣模具...客人使用過後卻很傻眼...
Christchurch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 昨天晚上突然想起來,明天好像有一個朋友主辦的小創意展,邀我帶着創意小發明去玩耍。然而最近我玩得比較歡快,完全忘記了。 咋辦?有點慌…… 從頭開始做看來已經來不及了,只好……Christchurch (/ˈkraɪstʃɜrtʃ/; Māori: Ōtautahi) is the largest city in the South Island of New Zealand, and the country's third-most populous urban area. It lies one third of the way down the South Island's east coast, just north of Banks Peninsula, which ...