MA-1 軍裝外套的 6 大穿搭指南 讓你穿出與眾不同的街頭風格
Christina Perri - Distance + Lyrics - YouTube 最近,全世界都吹起 MA-1 風,不過它不僅是男生必備的單品,就連女生也都愛不釋手,MA-1 軍裝外套曾在 1970~1980 年代引領時尚潮流,這次 MA-1 的回歸又掀起了另一種街頭風格。它不僅能保暖禦寒,在視覺上,MA-1 也給人一種粗曠隨性的感覺,不過,可不只有你想像的那樣,不同The sun is filling up the room And I can hear you dreaming Do you feel the way I do right now? I wish we would just give up Cause the best part is falling Call it anything but love And I will make sure to keep my distance Say "I love you" and you're not l...