時速300km h照抓!杜拜超跑警隊已活逮81輛街頭狂飆暴徒
What Are Chrome Apps? - Google Chrome - Mobile DevTools: Remote Debugging for Android with ScreencasisCar! 杜拜向來已購買性能超跑拿來當作警車而聞名,像是限量版的保時捷 918 Spyder, 奧斯頓馬丁 One-77 ,還有超稀有的Lykan Hypersport都是車隊的一員 ,其它非限量版的像是法拉利FF,Lexus RCF等也都是路上能見度很低的但性能依舊強悍的跑車,杜拜警察堪稱全球Chrome Apps have access to Chrome APIs and services not available to traditional web sites. You can build powerful apps that interact with network and hardware devices, media tools, and much more. Here's a short list of examples: Shells (VMWare, Citrix, S...