chrome dev

Chrome Releases好可愛~~!!!! The Dev channel has been updated to 45.0.2431.0 (Platform version: 7173.2.0) for all Chrome OS devices. This build contains a number of bug fixes, security updates and feature enhancements. A list of changes can be found here. If you find new issues, plea...


Google Chrome v43.0.2357.2 Dev / 42.0.2311.82 Beta 繁體中文版 - Google 瀏覽器 - 免費軟體之家哈哈哈....強!!! Google Chrome 是 Google 正式推出的瀏覽器,以載入速度更快、完全獨立運作的分頁系統為號召,同時採用開放原始碼,讓軟體工程師可以著手改寫應用至各式平台。Google Chrome 的市佔率率已超越 IE、Firefox、Safari 或 Opera,穩居瀏覽器一哥的寶座。...


Google Chrome v19.0.1077.3 Dev 繁體中文版 - Google 瀏覽器 - 最新軟體情報網傻傻的XDDD 這是 Google 正式推出的瀏覽器。Google Chrome 以載入速度更快、完全獨立運作的分頁系統為號召,同時採用開放原始碼,讓軟體工程師可以著手改寫應用至各式平台,或是撰寫開發更多便利應用程式。 Google Chrome 目前的使用佔有率雖仍不及微軟 IE 或 Mozilla ......


Chrome Dev Summit 2014 - Mobile DevTools: Remote Debugging for Android with Screencast無敵中肯!!!! Chrome Dev Summit is your opportunity to connect with Chrome's engineers and discuss the future of web apps and sites. ... Paul Lewis, Developer Advocate Building a 60fps, cross-browser website can be tricky. It requires knowledge, experience and judgment...
